ex) 'horror factor in game' -> Horror is one of gameness.
2. ontology
- philosophycal term : 존재론?
- computer science term : relationship of data, database, context, etc.
we must forget ontology as philosophical mean, so we can understand ontology of games in this paper.
Developing a game ontology that identify structure element of games, its relationships between them, and dorgarnize it.
3. Interactivity
How can we understand interactivity in games?
- Hardware : Player and Device
- Software : Player and Interface
Player and Another Player
4. Space
Gameworld ----> Space Invaders has a 2D Gameworld
Gameplay -----> The space of movement for the player is only 1D
5. Regulation of Gameplay Over Time
a form of Segmentation of Gameplay regulation (by the software.)
※ This paper seems to just educational not practical.