-Johannes Birringer
- Chair : Seok Jun
- Panel : Bora Lee, Yonggeun Kim, Kiwon Song, Byunchae Kim(voice recorded)
Johannes Birringer
-Choreographer (a man) In Korea, Man choreographer is rare.
digital ecology
- moving on environment
- compnent of nature
★emersive environment
(1) follow rules
(2) unpredictable situation
[Happening] - Allan Kaprow
○unique event shaped by the actions of audience in performance
reject the authority and primacy of known artwork
-> chance to develop a new standard of art
○telematic performance
expand the boundaries between space and time through the 'happening'
->space : flexible
time : 'real' or 'experienced' time
○happening : once only
mutation => not repeated
★ Many performances using 'body' -> artistic activity
audience & context
ex) gabage back : engineering part - trash out
cleaning woman - let there alone (she think that is artwork)
many artist is eager to get 'attention'
[Is there love in telematic embrace?] - Roy Ascott
important matter : "bodily attachment"
(?)I soon grows tired that situation without bodily attachment, because my desire is drive me to touch or something.
And because I know that is not real in the after.
★Playful : from rule-based system
participator = dancer
representation is a part of 'process' in digital era.
McLuhan : New media does not replay old media.
[Choreographic perspective]
choreopraphic = defined game rule
dancer = play by rule
Marshall McLuhan :
People make media, media make people.
Lacanian view :
Name is first, I am second.
Why actor play?
- Beacause they feel playful or joyful when they play role different from I.