Tuesday, 25 March 2008

[4] Saira Virous : Game Choreography in Multiplayer Online Performance Spaces

Saira Virous : Game Choreography in Multiplayer Online Performance Spaces
-Johannes Birringer
  • Chair : Seok Jun
  • Panel : Bora Lee, Yonggeun Kim, Kiwon Song, Byunchae Kim(voice recorded)

Johannes Birringer
-Choreographer (a man) In Korea, Man choreographer is rare.

digital ecology
- moving on environment
- compnent of nature

★emersive environment
(1) follow rules
(2) unpredictable situation

[Happening] - Allan Kaprow
○unique event shaped by the actions of audience in performance
reject the authority and primacy of known artwork
-> chance to develop a new standard of art

○telematic performance
expand the boundaries between space and time through the 'happening'
->space : flexible
time : 'real' or 'experienced' time

○happening : once only
mutation => not repeated

★ Many performances using 'body' -> artistic activity
audience & context
ex) gabage back : engineering part - trash out
cleaning woman - let there alone (she think that is artwork)
many artist is eager to get 'attention'

[Is there love in telematic embrace?] - Roy Ascott
important matter : "bodily attachment"
(?)I soon grows tired that situation without bodily attachment, because my desire is drive me to touch or something.
And because I know that is not real in the after.

★Playful : from rule-based system
participator = dancer

representation is a part of 'process' in digital era.

McLuhan : New media does not replay old media.

[Choreographic perspective]
choreopraphic = defined game rule
dancer = play by rule

Marshall McLuhan :
People make media, media make people.

Lacanian view :
Name is first, I am second.

Why actor play?
- Beacause they feel playful or joyful when they play role different from I.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

[2] Truth-Seeker's Awarenss : Digitising Artaud

Truth-Seeker's Awarenss : Digitising Artaud
-Steve Dixon
  • Chair : Jaewook Lee
  • Panel : Hyunkyoung Cho, Youngsun Choi, Jaebum Byun

writer's position : traditional hemeneutic perspective and philosophical enquiries?
Dixon stands on positive side.

Dixon's another article :
"Digital Performance : New Technologies in Theatre, Dance, Performance Art and Installation"

**Why important experience in the theatre?
: he believe in this is our reality. (mythology of act)
--> experience : multimedia club 'Vol.' near by crown hotel in Itaewon.
(They let us experience something.)

**Why he needs to an allowance? (*allowance: 용돈,수당)
-truth actually might be existed.
-postmodernism and deconstruction are fashionable.

**Why he need to Artaud?
-Derrida's plague is dark, but Artaud's plague is bright.
(Bright means...
seeking transcendent, unifying meanings, unfashionable universe truth

re-representation (repeatedly!)

[Jaewook's performance]
just audience's immagination => indirect experience
as player's acting "knock" -> the door
"sleeping" -> the bed
double : same thing duplicated
dual (or duality) : already two

***Theatrical & Cinematic
-dramatic illusion is - Film purports to true
never the illusion of reality
-Imaginative illusion - Truthful, complex, real with the falsity, simplicity
-Light - Heavy

* Nietzsche's "Truth" : 'a mobile army of metaphor'
* Platonic dualism : a 'two-world'

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

[1] Bodies Without Bodies

Bodies Without Bodies - Susan Melrose
  • Chair : Jaewook Lee
  • Panel : Hyunkyoung Cho, Youngsun Choi, Jaebum Byun

This article is diffecult to me.

[Just writing memo]
Body without Organs(Deleuze) -> Organs without Body(Zizek)
Heideger : Technology is not essential of technology.
(Um... I must read Heideger.)

This article's intention or strategy?
Susan Melrose's the re-reading of spinoza, deleuze and zizek for performance's body.

the body -> specified one
a body -> general one

incommensurability, sublime...

[As a becoming, a body's time]
"logic of becoming" production 'of beings'

continousvirtual space time -> consciousness +
discontinous a actual spatio-temporal structure -> experience
= These transition = becoming (opening a trnascendeutal field)

Rhizome [becoming] similar [frame]

★ new performance work
1) differentiation in making new work is driven by certain expectations including timely outcome
2) specificity of perfomance 'event' determinds the play of the time
3) times conditions the exposure and display of performance
4) the show itself tend to functions as a pause

not believe but choice => cultural choice
: in the same case of believing God

Thursday, 6 March 2008

2008-1st Semester : My Favorite Topics

My Favorite Topics

1. [10] body waves sound waves: optik live sound and performance by barryedwards and ben jarlett

2. [11] intelligence, interaction, reaction, and performance by susan broadhurst